Please find a Deep-dive Analysis of SFM May 2022 Paper by Sanjay Saraf Sir in the Answer section
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PFA in answer section: Paper Analysis of CA Final SFM July 2021 (Old Syllabus) by Sanjay Saraf Sir
Please find the CA Final SFM July 2021 Deep Dive Analysis by Sanjay Saraf Sir (New Syllabus) attached in Answer Section
Please find the sheet attached in the answer section.
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Complete ALL 3 steps within 11pm on 20th Feb 2021 to become Eligible for taking the SSEI QForum Mocks Step 1: Register on Doubt Solving Platform ( Step 2: Register on Mock Test Platform ( Step 3: All 3 mock exams ...
PFA the Jan 2021 SFM paper analysis
Find Sanjay Sir’s take on the new SFM Mat: ICAI has released new study mat for SFM for 2021.Students got anxious and asked me to have a look at the same. I have gone through the same…page by page…cover to cover. ...
Pls find Q32 solution alongwith video
PFA all files in the answer section.
Please find the CA Final SFM SUPER100 Series by Sanjay Saraf Sir (Part-2) attached in the Answer section
Please find the CA Final SFM SUPER100 Series by Sanjay Saraf Sir (Part-1) attached in the Answer section (Questions & Solutions both)
DEEP DIVE: CA FINAL SFM Nov 2020 (New Syllabus) Paper Analysis by Sanjay Saraf Sir The most interesting (and intellectual!) subject in CA Final Curriculum finally lived up to its standards! The reason of maximum dropouts this exam term?? SFM Final ...
Sir pls explain how in (ii) part, we have taken 3 lakhs in numerator as we should have taken 2.5 lakhs na ( 1 lakhs – own fund + 1 lakh – borrowing mentioned in (ii) part + 50k – ...

Dear Sir, How in this question they have taken E(s) – 5.82. I believe it should be 5.79 na becoz. That is the 5th year E(s). If 5.82 is correct pls help me understand how they calculated that.

Nopat me interest ke taxation ka effect kyuu nhi consider karte???… Real tax pay to ham interest less karne ke baad karenge na… To NOPAT calculate karte time ebit pe tax kyuu calculate karte h… Why not on (EBIT-I). Interest ...
which company pe ratio should be taken, given in question of K ltd (acquiree) but we generally take of acquier company

how to calculate beta in this sum

Sir ye Forex 36 question automatic cancellation isme swap loss k time forward rate March ka kyu liya hai hum to 4th April k din swap kr rhe hai and April ka forward book krna hai customer 4 April k ...
This is part of the 1st example that Sir does in International Project Appraisal in class. Can someone please tell ...

In this sun of Alcar model, sir taught in the revision video that we should make projected balance sheet also and income statement also question: Following details are available for X Ltd.Income Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Sales ...

explain solution of this question