Complete Revisionary Audio for ‘Economics For Finance’ PFA in the answer section.
SSEI QForum Latest Questions
Topic 8/8: Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting PFA the Revision Audio in the answer section.
Topic 7/8: Dividend Policy PFA the Revision Audio in the answer section.
Topic 6/8: Capital Structure PFA the Revision Audio in the answer section.
Topic 5/8: Cost of Capital PFA the Revision Audio in the answer section.
Topic 4/8: Working Capital PFA the Revision Audio in the answer section.
Audio lectures telegram PE nhi mile mujhe aur LMS login nhi ho rha
Sir Kindly attach the remaining audios of Working Capital Management Audios. These audios are very helpful in revising the whole chapter easily. I am unable to find the audio of PART 2 and PART 3 of WC Management.
I can’t find that pdf
Sir, when sanjay Saraf sir provide important questions in Financial management and economic for December 2021 and on which platform through its provide ?
Ques 5 (a) i?
Sir, please help me find- • New ICAI Eco amendment pdf (wherein additions have been highlighted) for Dec 21 • New ICAI Mat FM Ques pdf for Dec 21 I am a new user of QForum and clueless from where to access these ...
CAn anyone please share how he/she is using sir’s fm book throughout the revision ? Coz I’m finding myself bewildered that which question to do , which not , on what basis should I choose , question there are hell ...
Sir i forgot Yha pe yeh 98 kaise aaya ?

Sir now , at the current point of time , Should I invest my time in reading the eco for finance from study mat . I’ve done classes form uh , but in yours amendment video , you said if ...