Statement- Low private savings and/or high investment tend to produce a current account deficit that must be financed by net capital imports; high private savings and/or low investment, however, produce a current account surplus, balanced by net capital exports. Doubt-As per ...
SSEI QForum Latest Questions
I dont remember reading about SRAS shifting because of increase in money supply. Please help me here. I got the question right because of how Option B is designed. Q. If the central bank buys securities from banks in its ...
Can someone explain option b

Can someone explain option b
This statement is true if we take smaller percentages but if we increase the percentage then it is not holding true why ?? Say P=100 , Q=100 and e=1.5 so PQ =10000 and and say P decreases by 50% so ...

In this question there are two lagging indicators and one leading indicator, then how can we interpret that an upturn is expected, it’s just giving the direction right?

why is option A wrong? And what happens during trough?
pls can someone explain this sum and formula which is been used

Can someone furthur explain the answer to this, i didn’t get full clarity from the explanation given.

A power generation company is a monopoly that has very high barriers to entry. The quantity demand (QD) for its product is QD = 800 – 0.25 × P (where P is price). The slope of the marginal revenue curve is closest to: –0.25. –8.00. –4.00. Solution B is ...