how in convertibile arbitrage, widening of credit spread will affect the strategy, like what would be the best answer in AM session. like if credit spread rises, yield will rise therefore price of our bond will fall, but conversion ratio ...
SSEI QForum Latest Questions
whats the reason of the highlighted sentences in the photo, i understood about the on the run bonds , as it is now off the run bonds, as it became old and therefore yield increases and prices will fall, but ...
if they need to set aside the fund for real asset, shouldnt we hold in cash, as when they call, if invested in public reit, we wont be pay on the same day.
The question mentions that NAV of most recent year end is 25m. Growth rate 11% Distribution rate – 18% So what is the expected NAV at the end of the year. Which clearly means they are talking about 1 year only but they have calculated growth rate of ...
Can someone please explain the explanation of this question. An audio answer would be highly appreciated.
Here we were asked to calculate NAV at year end but in the answer they grew the fund by 11% two times so why?
Xu tells Anderson that while she is open to using all hedge fund strategies, she is particularly interested in opportunistic hedge fund strategies. Xu states that she prefers opportunistic hedge fund strategies that use high leverage, have high liquidity, ...
What is clients/asset turnover means?
What is the meaning of closes?
Can anyone please explain solution 2 example part.