Anne Boswin, CFA, is a senior fixed-income analyst at Greenfield Financial Corporation. Boswin develops financial models for predicting changes in bond prices. On the premise that bonds of firms targeted for leveraged buyouts (LBOs) often decline in value, Boswin develops a model to predict which firms are likely to be subject to LBOs.
Boswin works closely with another analyst, Robert Acertado, CFA. Acertado uses Boswin’s model frequently to identify potential LBO targets for further research. Using the model and his extensive research skills, Acertado makes timely investment recommendations and develops a strong track record.
Based on this record, Acertado receives an employment offer from the asset management division of Smith & Garner Investments, Inc., a diversified financial services firm. With Boswin’s consent, Acertado downloads the model before leaving Greenfield.
At Smith & Garner, Acertado presents the idea of predicting LBO targets as a way to identify bonds that might decline in value and thus be good sell recommendations. After Acertado walks his boss through the model, the supervisor comments, “I like your idea and your model, Robert. I can see that we made the right decision in hiring you.”
Because Smith & Garner has both an Investment Banking (IB) and Asset Management (AM) division, Acertado’s supervisor reminds him that he should not attempt to contact or engage in conversation with anyone from the Investment Banking division. The supervisor also directs him to eat in the East end of the company cafeteria. “The West end is reserved for the IB folks, and you may laugh at this, but we actually put up a wall between the two ends. If anyone were to accuse us of not having a firewall, we could actually point to it!” Robert’s supervisor also tells him, “There should be absolutely no conversation about divisional business while in the hall and elevator that serves as a common access to the cafeteria for both divisions. We are very strict about this.”
The following week, Acertado is riding alone in the elevator when it stops on an IB floor. As the doors begin to slide open, Acertado hears a voice whispering, “I am so pleased that we were able to put the financing together for Country Industries. I was concerned because the leverage will go to 80%—higher than our typical deal.” As soon as the doors open enough to reveal that the elevator is occupied, all conversation stops.
Late that afternoon, Acertado uses the LBO model to measure the probability of Country Industries receiving an LBO offer. According to the model, the probability is 62%—slightly more than the 60% Acertado generally requires before conducting additional research. It is late in the afternoon and Acertado has little time to research the matter fully before the end of the trading day. He checks his inputs to the model. In the interest of time, Acertado immediately recommends selling Country Industries’ senior bonds held in any long-only accounts. He also recommends establishing positions in derivatives contracts that will benefit from a decline in the value of Country Industries’ bonds.
The next morning, after the firm has established the derivatives positions he recommended, Acertado calls Boswin. Knowing that his former associate will be preparing Greenfield’s monthly newsletter, he tells her, “I ran Country Industries through your model and I think it is likely that they will receive an LBO offer.” Acertado explains some of the inputs he used in the model. At the conclusion of the conversation Boswin responds, “You may be right. Country Industries sounds like a possible LBO candidate, and thus, a sell rating on their senior bonds would be in order. If I’m lucky, I can finish researching the issue in time to include the recommendation in the upcoming newsletter. Thanks. It was good talking with you, Robert.”
After the conversation with Acertado, Boswin quickly runs Country Industries through the model. Based on her inputs, the model calculates that the probability of an LBO is 40%—not enough, in Boswin’s opinion, to justify further research. She wonders if there is a discrepancy between her inputs and Acertado’s. Pressed for time, Boswin resumes her work on the upcoming newsletter rather than investigating the matter.
Acertado soon begins searching the internet for information on companies that the model predicts have more than a 60% probability of an LBO offer. He scours blogs and company websites looking for signs of a potential offer. He uses evidence of rumored offers in developing sell recommendations on various corporations’ bonds.
In his phone conversation with Boswin, Acertado least likely violates the CFA Institute Standard relating to:
- suitability.
- integrity of capital markets.
- preservation of confidentiality.
regarding to this que and above highlighted conversation between acerado boswin ,acerado never discloses that country industry is our client he only gives information about the inputs he used in the model , then why (c) is not the answer. Please explain and if possible please provide me explanation in voice note.
there is a violation of clients confidentiality in part highlighted by you because after establishing the derivatives positions for the clients , Acertado tells to the boswin regarding the expected LBO offer for country industries . yes it is true that directly he has not said anything but disclosing the clients trades indirectly is also a violation.