Pls Read the Extract below:
Domestic income may be categorised into:
1. Income from domestic product accruing to the public sector which includes income from property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative departments and savings of non-departmental enterprises
2. Income from domestic product accruing to private sector = NDP at FC – Income from property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative departments – Savings of non-departmental enterprises
QUERY: What is the meaning of Non-Departmental Enterprises in the above text? Also, what would constitute Departmental Enterprises?
The departmental enterprises operate as public sector enterprises under the control of the government.
The non departmental enterprises operate independently and are not under the control of the government. It refer to activities that are carried out by entities, which are legally separated from the government and are made to maintain a separate account of all their financial transactions. Classic example of non–departmental enterprises of the government would be Air India.
To Summarise:
Departmental Enterprises
Non-departmental enterprises