Good morning sir ,
I wanted to ask you that as of now i am completely done with derivatives all mcqs from books and ecosystem as well so now how often should i revise the topic or i should revise the topic after all my lectures are completed ?
Sir please guide me through this i am facing difficulty in every topic regarding revision .
When is your attempt.?
It completely depend on your memory. If you remember the topic for long time then revise in every 15 days. If you tend to forget that topic frequently revise it more often like one week -10 days. You will have to set it by yourself depending on your memory. Also whenever you revise dont only rely on notes comlpletely. Always do 15-20 question from candidate resources. Because applying concepts while solving is utmost important.
Hope this helps
But if i kept revising the topic (vast no of) then I’ll not get time to see lectures ?
My memory is not good I m also facing same problem.
I made my roadmap I will revise after every 5 readings previous 5 readings and after 10 readings I will revise everything with some questions from ecosystem.
How’s my idea?
You dont need to revise line by line. Whenever you read for the first time highlight those portions which you think you will forget. Revise them after 10-15 days. When you revise it for 2 times you will not forget.
Even my attempt is May22 so till mid Feb I focused on completing my lectures and now I am done with my syllabus except Ethics for which I take bit by bit everyday
So now for two months I follow thorough revision strategy where first I watch review class then important questions of ssei books then core back questions and examples and candidate resources
By this strategy I am targeting to complete my revision till mid March and then will start revision for 2nd time